sábado, 19 de abril de 2008

Imanes microscópicos sirven de guía a células humanas para atacar tumores

Microscopic magnets could be used to guide modified human cells to attack tumours, according to research
The technique, which combines nanotechnology and gene therapy, could help specially “armed” human immune cells to home in on cancer cells to destroy them. A team led by Professor Claire Lewis, at Sheffield University, developed a procedure that involves inserting nanomagnets into a type of white blood cell. When a magnet is placed over a tumour, the cells move towards it and attack. Details are published in the journal Gene Therapy.
(Times online)

Science daily

Muthana M, Scott SD, Farrow N, Morrow F, Murdoch C, Grubb S, Brown NJ, Dobson J & Lewis CE. (2008). A novel magnetic approach to enhance the efficacy of cell-based gene therapies. Gene Therapy (in press).

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